Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First time ever...

I'm going to start out by giving you a brief run-down on how this blog came about. In a couple of months I will be launching my own website where I can bring kids and their relatives closer together. I think it's a great idea the only problem is I have zilch experience in anything to do with launching my own website. So what is a girl to do?? Well first I went through countless websites on "how to start your own website business" and that got me nowhere fast. Then I started reading books on the subject but it left me with even more questions so I joined a club. This is a club where other women meet once a month who want to become a success. My first meeting was last week and we chatted about all sorts of stuff including blogging, and I asked "what's a blog?" I must be living under a rock because apparently everyone knows what a blog is. So now here I am starting my very own first blog and ready to run with it. I need to dive into this world of blogging so when my website does become a reality then I will have a following, I will be more computer savvy and I will get people to my site. So that's my plan!! Any tips, feedback and comments are appreciated. ~Celia


Kenny & Robyn said...

May I be the first to say... "Goodluck Cuz!"

I love your CAN-DO SPIRIT!

Much Success,
Cuz Robyn