Friday, June 20, 2014

Important Document

I uploaded some documents for you via GoogleDocs. Kindly view them as soon as possible.
I would really appreciate your prompt response.

Kind regards

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Moving Forward

On September 18th I attended the one year anniversary of Girl Power Hour at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Seattle. Here in the picture are my two friends Shelly in black and Katy in the Pink. Both women are amazing and are well on their way to being strong business women. The night was quite the night full of glitter, pink bedazzled cupcakes and party dresses. Usually Girl Power Hours are networking meetings exclusively made of women however for the anniversary party men were partying right along with the gals. I love going to women events but now I think I'll attend more with diverse company.

In other news, tomorrow I mail in the paperwork and a hefty check to become official. will become Look what I did today LLC. I am extremely excited about this since now I can open a business account and start depositing money toward developing my site. I met with Donna, my accountant awhile ago and she walked me through the process and then with the help of my boyfriend's mom, Marly she guided me through the final details. Thanks to both!

I'll keep you updated as the site progresses :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Go get that connection

Over the last couple months I've come to realize that starting a business is more than just hard work, it also has to do with the people you socialize and network with. Two weeks ago I attended an event for women through Webgrrls. Here I made a few contacts and listened to some amazing stories people went through to launch their own business. I had plenty of business cards in hand and made a point to talk to as many women as I could (one time I actually ran out of business cards-how embarrassing). Here met a woman who is interested in meeting with me to go over the marketing plan for and through a connection I made I have a second web developer who I'm interested in contacting.

The other day I received an e-mail from the leader of the Seattle chapter who linked an article about the event and photos. As I was scrolling down, I spotted myself laughing in background in one of the pictures. I was also quoted "This meeting gave me a chance to connect with many fabulous women who are all eager to help and lend their knowledge". - Celia A. Moody Dental Assistant and Entrepreneur

Very cool!