Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hi Everyone, I wanted to share all the exciting things that have been happening with my new website. I'm getting closer and closer to making this happen.

I recently attended a Girl Power Hour at the Canal in Ballard-beautiful venue :)
What an exciting place to be, I was surrounded by driven women who all have their own business or are in the process of launching like me. I had my business card taped to my purse so it's easier for people to approach me and start a conversation and it worked. I was testing out perfume when a lady walked up to me and said "you don't know us but we want to get to know you, we are dying to know what you did today" I laughed and filled them in on what is all about. They all loved the idea so just that easily I have 4 more future users. The night was a huge success, meeting many new people and sharing ideas and goals.

I've hired a graphic designer to work on my website with me. We have a meeting set up on the 17th at Hector's in Kirkland to go over ideas. Now I'll have an official business card-hey isn't that what it's all about. I can now drop my card in the fish bowl and hopefully win a free lunch.

I'm still involved in my meet-up group which has proved to be invaluable. The connections I've made and the tips I'm learning are steering me in the right direction. Thank you Jenny :)

As for the Business Plan-it's still in the works but there is progress.